Nepalgunj Marathon was established in 2015 remembering the peace treaty which ended a decade-long civil war in Nepal which brought sustainable peace and development to the country. The event was incorporated with the collaborative efforts of the Creative Hands and creativegunj Media and event management-In the City of Nepalgunj with many local partners. Our aim is established for a sustainable community-focused running event, encouraging athletes of all levels to lead healthy lifestyles and further their personal fitness through running. With the aim to promote local tourism, create social cohesion, and uplift the sports culture in the western part of Nepal. The rigorous and incredible Journey of the past 7 years of experience & participation has shaped us to make the 8th edition bigger and better. Also, our sincerity towards social responsibility initiated us to plan for the Nepalgunj Marathon, an international level road running event of Nepal.
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To develop this event as the biggest road running a marathon in Nepal while also promoting sports, culture, and tourism in the region.
To establish a sustainable community-focused running event, encouraging athletes of all levels to lead healthy lifestyles and further their personal fitness through running.